
How to Become an Insulator.

Learning at Thomas Insulation Corporation™
Insulators that work within the commercial and industrial sectors typically earn substantially more than those working in residential construction due to the specialized skills required.

These skills can only be gathered through didactic instruction and a formalized regimented practicum.

Insulator Apprenticeship

Learning to be a Mechanical Insulator
Insulators that work within the commercial and industrial sectors typically earn substantially more than those working in residential construction due to the additional skills, training and knowledge required.

This knowledge is normally gained through a federally approved apprenticeship program e.g., the Thomas Insulation Corporation Apprenticeship Program. The TIC program is officially accredited and is completed over three years.

Three Year Program

Thomas Insulation Corporation is an officially registered apprenticeship program provider and offers 2 semesters per year e.g., fall and spring, with a maximum enrollment of 20 students per class. The program is conducted over the course of three (3) years with both classroom and a working practicum with a total of 4,500 training hours.

Thomas Insulation Corporation normally accepts apprentice applicants on a needs-based schedule as these apprentices often are also employed during their working practicum and receive wages & benefits. However, the number of apprentices that can be at a given project site is limited, making the opportunity to become one of these employed apprentices quite competitive.

General entry requirements include a minimum age of 18 years old with a high school diploma. Periodic and Random Drug Testing is required